N1 Grammar Explanations - Part 2, June/09/23

Hi All! :wave:

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that the second part of our N1 explanations have been released! This includes the next 50 grammar points in the current N1 path.

:magnet: Focus :magnet:

As mentioned in the release post for the first 50, we have added a focus on including even more caution sections this time around, and have also removed much of the Japanese grammar terminology. We hope that this makes for a smoother learning experience, and that we were able to cover a few more of the potential tricky parts that may arise.

:railway_track: Ongoing Release :railway_track:

As with the second 50, we will likely follow the fortnightly release schedule that we have so far. This means that we will aim to release from 101 to 150 within 2 to 3 weeks. We currently have a lot of ongoing projects, so it is possible that this may change slightly, but N1 is one of our priorities, so we will try to get it out as fast as we can.

Thanks for the ongoing support everyone! Recently the content team has been making an effort to do community posts more often so that you are all able to see who is working on what different projects, and get more frequent updates about the state of Bunpro now, and leading into the future.

We hope that this transparency adds to the value of the product, and also lets you get to know more about some of our team members! Please look forward to additional posts coming soon about some of the things we have been working on! :partying_face:

Hope you all have a great day, the weekend is alsmost here!


Thank you so much!

Even though I’ve been slacking lately, I really appreciate you guys targeting the higher levels :pray:.


It sure as heck does! Whenever I run across someone asking if there’s a tool for grammar like WaniKani – which happens more often than you might think! – I always tell them that I use BunPro.

But I’m still on N5, N4, and a little bit on N3. So an announcement like this one, which is about N1 improvements, allows me to tell them more than just about my own experience. It allows me to tell them about features I haven’t used yet, or recent updates I haven’t seen yet. So, it improves BunPro’s word-of-mouth visibility, as well! :eyes: I can recommend it to people at different levels of grammar ability.

I like this part a lot, too! :smiley::+1:


Super glad to hear this! We really appreciate that you’re able to have a chat with your mates about the site as well! Accumulating friends at a wide range of skill levels is one of those things that tends to happen when learning Japanese, right? We’re all in it for the long haul :muscle:


I subscribed late last year and honestly at first I wasn’t entirely sold on Bunpro, I thought a lot of it felt a bit unfinished a clunky, but frankly it’s amazing how much I’ve seen things improving in about 8 months, you’ve accomplished a lot and been super reactive with user feedback. I can’t wait to see what bunpro looks like 8 months from now!

Keep up the great work!