Hi Everyone!
Although it is already live, as some of you may have noticed, this is just a quick notification that the additional 6 sentences of lessons 3 and 4 in N1 are now on the website, and may appear in your reviews as well.
As with the first batch, these were all written by native speakers, with the main focus of using the grammar points in the most natural way possible. Lessons 5 and 6 should be ready to go in the following week, and we are still on schedule to have everything done within the next month.
New N1 grammar!
In addtion to the new sentences, we have also added another 5 new N1 grammar points. These are as follows:
Hopefully there are some new and interesting points here that help to fill in a few of the trickier gaps in all of our N1 learning struggles!
Hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend, and as always, feel free to send us any and all comments and feedback that you have!