N4 Reading Passages

30 freshly minted N4 Reading Passages are now available :tada:

Go in peace and practice your reading :books:


Ooh, another awesome part of Bunpro that I didn’t know existed! :astonished: Too bad I only found out about it because of the notification.

Where could I access it from my Dashboard? And would there be a way to Bookmark or have a Checkbox so that we know where we’re at after we’ve read the passages enough to understand them? This way, in the future when there’s even more additional Reading Practice, I won’t end up re-opening the Lessons I’ve read/learnt before (unless if I want to revise, of course).

Just my two cents and appreciate your consideration :bowing_woman:


At the top of the page hit Grammar > Reading Practice :slight_smile: Each lesson has grammar-specific points used there so you may wanna check back in on them in the future if/when more examples get added besides from the 3!


I couldn’t find them either. Then discovered that they are in Beta and you can toggle Beta opt in under Settings > Account


I can see them now after the Beta opt-in, thank you!


Found it, it’s a great idea. Going to use Bunpro even more now!. Thank you!!!
Can we add these readings to something like a “Reading List”, and perhaps mark them as “Done”?. Just an idea…


Very much second this. I use Satori reader and it let’s you mark things as read or in progress (I think it auto marks sometimes if it can guess).


Fingers crossed for eventual ability to add notes to grammar passages :wink: I also wonder if there would be a way to utilize the example sentences people make. Perhaps when the content creator position gets filled they can help with this to correct mistakes, but a dedicated section at the bottom of each Passage titled (for example) User Submitted Sentences could be pretty neat. People are already typing up a bunch in the daily discussion thread, might as well utilize if possible.

It’s obviously a tricky thing to handle and could be time consuming but just a thought!