N4 showing complete, but I have 50 left

I went to study some more N4 points this morning and it says I completed all the N4. However I have exactly 50 points I have not studied yet. Seems like a bug! I added screenshots below

There’s some grammar points not covered in the deck you used.

I had the same issue with the genki decks*. Just select the grammar points that your missing to complete N4.

*I’m sure it’s been fixed when I mentioned it before.

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I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t have any of the textbooks selected and only the JLPT N4 selected under JLPT Study level.

I have a feeling this might be due to having some grammar points studied previously and then me removing them and starting from scratch though because all the ones that I’ve re-added today again to my Reviews immediately showed some SRS stages cleared. I’ve hit reset on these ones.

I just tested out adding one to my reviews, resetting the prior progress I had, then removing it from my reviews again, and now I see there’s one new one I can add. I feel like the progress should automatically reset once it’s removed from reviews though, so it feels like a missed thing.

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