I tend to ramble too much and blow a lot of hot air, so I sectioned each little part off into their own little drop down tab 
I use mostly the default settings with a daily grammar goal of 5 new grammar points. Some days I felt like it was too much and on those days I just manually added 1 or 2 grammar points from whichever deck I was studying directly into my reviews.
Generally my routine would be to nail out all my reviews daily either in the morning or at night before bed, but if they went over 70ish I would just aim to knock out 50 and that would have me feeling satisfied. I know some people on BunPro are hella motivated and crush like 200+ reviews a day, but I don’t have that kind of mental stamina especially after dealing with my full-time job 
Actual level
My actual level as far as JLPT qualifications go is N2, but I am fortunate enough to work in a Japanese workplace so I’m surrounded by Japanese daily. I’m also writing the N1 this July and I just wish there was a speaking section because that aside from listening is my best skill.
I definitely want to get that N1 locked down before I start job hunting again since the only interviews I was seeing before with the N2 were nice, but not necessarily jobs I wanted to do. With the N1 I’ve heard a lot of jobs open up to you, especially if you can speak Japanese well.
In my opinion, once you complete any level of Japanese study (especially N3 and N2) I think taking a little break is SUPER beneficial. The difficulty spikes in terms of sheer volume are kind of frustrating at times and giving your brain a little break helps to mellow things out. I always imagine it as like eating at a buffet.
If you crush like 40 chicken wings in half an hour, you’re not always going to get up and go straight into demolishing 5 racks of ribs each with a side salad. If you give yourself some time to let all that tasty 文法 digest, then I think you’ll find yourself refreshed and ready to tackle new information.