N5-N1 Finally Done (Definitely not an N1 in a year speedrun post)

TL:DR まだ完璧じゃないけどやっと全部文プロにある文法を一旦学んだ :sneezing_face:
I finished all Bunpro’s grammar decks and I’m 喜んでいる

As of yesterday, I finally finished learning every grammar point available on Bunpro and it feels like I’ve just climbed Mt. Fuji like 10 times (hehe get the badge reference? :smirk:)

I know it’s still just the beginning, since I’ve yet to master everything and there are definitely still grammar points I’m not 100% locked in on (RIP me when bunpro calls me out on that 60% accuracy rating on some N3 and N2 grammar).

I just feel like there’s no thread for people who want to celebrate the hard work they’ve put in to reaching the “end” of the grammar learning on Bunpro like there is with the level 60 people on WaniKani.

With that in mind, everyone else who has also finally seen the checkmark hit on that last N1 grammar point, congratulations! I’d love to hear about your everyone else’s Japanese journey too!

Now it’s just time to review and keep getting better :muscle:t3:


Congrats! :tada:
I remember just how great the euphoria was when I finished all grammar points on Bunpro.

Don’t worry over time your accuracy will improve over time… Though sometimes the questions that I got wrong the first time, I just keep getting wrong still haha


Congratulations! I’m aiming for this as well, though I’m planinng a mega-iper-super-uber speedrun of one month, otherwise I’ll flush my beloved pet hamster (joking ofc).

I agree it would be nice to have a thread or a tag for this, like Wanikani.

By the way, could you share us, your settings, you routines, your objectives, your actual level etc?

Once completed the N2 grammar, do you recommend tackling N1 right away or to waiting a little bit? This is something I’m currently pondering about (as N3/N2-ish Japanese learner) :thinking:


Honestly, if I get a question wrong and it becomes a ghost three times I just reset it and start learning it again :sweat_smile: (barring those grammar points that I JUST started studying


I tend to ramble too much and blow a lot of hot air, so I sectioned each little part off into their own little drop down tab :sweat_smile:


I use mostly the default settings with a daily grammar goal of 5 new grammar points. Some days I felt like it was too much and on those days I just manually added 1 or 2 grammar points from whichever deck I was studying directly into my reviews.


Generally my routine would be to nail out all my reviews daily either in the morning or at night before bed, but if they went over 70ish I would just aim to knock out 50 and that would have me feeling satisfied. I know some people on BunPro are hella motivated and crush like 200+ reviews a day, but I don’t have that kind of mental stamina especially after dealing with my full-time job :joy:

Actual level

My actual level as far as JLPT qualifications go is N2, but I am fortunate enough to work in a Japanese workplace so I’m surrounded by Japanese daily. I’m also writing the N1 this July and I just wish there was a speaking section because that aside from listening is my best skill.


I definitely want to get that N1 locked down before I start job hunting again since the only interviews I was seeing before with the N2 were nice, but not necessarily jobs I wanted to do. With the N1 I’ve heard a lot of jobs open up to you, especially if you can speak Japanese well.

In my opinion, once you complete any level of Japanese study (especially N3 and N2) I think taking a little break is SUPER beneficial. The difficulty spikes in terms of sheer volume are kind of frustrating at times and giving your brain a little break helps to mellow things out. I always imagine it as like eating at a buffet.

If you crush like 40 chicken wings in half an hour, you’re not always going to get up and go straight into demolishing 5 racks of ribs each with a side salad. If you give yourself some time to let all that tasty 文法 digest, then I think you’ll find yourself refreshed and ready to tackle new information.


Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:

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Congratulations! The best part is watching your reviews go lower every week. So much more time for just using the language.

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Nice job!!!

One question I have; do you feel like you know how to speak Japanese?
Not to rain on your parade in any way. You know a lot of words and grammar points but can you effectively use them? Is this your next step?

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Time to prepare for JLPT 0 grammar :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Did you finish all of the vocabulary as well? If so, did you finish them at the same time? Personally, I go through vocabulary at a steady rate, but get stuck on new grammar points from time to time and so progress there is less reliable.


Congrats! I hope to be in your shoes someday! Be sure to do something to celebrate this huge win. :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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Just did a 1 year streak myself and I am reaching the end of my subscription, I have not completed all bunpro content (grammar at 50% of N1 and probably 70% of all vocabulary over an intermediate stage).
I will however leave bunpro for a few months to focus on reading/speaking and I’ll come back to bunpro later, I absolutely agree with the OP’s last answer on this.
I feel the Bunpro year has been by far my most effective japanese learning year, it just sped up everything helping me constantly pushing a bit further than I would have otherwise.

Now for what was questioning Ryo, I would say bunpro well advanced is only one aspect of learning and certainly didn’t help my speaking whatsoever, my understanding absolutely. Which is mostly why I am leaving it for a bit, I just don’t have enough study time to do it all and it is starting to feel too much like I am just adding more entries inmy brain that I don’t really need at this point

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Thank you!

Honestly that’s what I’m looking forward to the most :eyes:

(Sorry for the spam of replies, I just learned about the @ mark apparently)

@Ryo Thank you! I didn’t take your question in any malicious way, so no worries :muscle:t3:
Thankfully, I do feel like I can speak Japanese with relative ease and fluency. I think my next step is challenging myself by reading more.

@chicharron If they came out with that I’d probably cry tbh

@iCrown I haven’t finished Bunpro’s vocab lists yet, but I’m thinking of tackling those next! I usually run through my vocab with anki and I add a bunch of words through jisho.org when they come up naturally at work, in conversation, or in books I’m reading.

@ko-inu I’m definitely celebrating!!! We all get there eventually as long as our will power stays strong. It took me a long 3 years, so don’t worry about taking your time. :sweat_smile:

@stephane That’s an incredible accomplishment to reach in just one year! Congratulations! I will definitely always support the notion of taking intermittent breaks to stimulate recall and give your brain some digestion time. I also feel like when you use Bunpro in tandem with other learning resources (like Wanikani or just ネーテイブと日常会話すること) helps you to really notice and feel like you’re progressing in Japanese.

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Oh I didn’t start from zero though, far from it ! :slight_smile:
I have been studying Japanese for quite a few years so I have initially skipped a lot of SRS leveling on many vocab/grammar!

Absolutely agree, having another resource aside really kept bunpro content more exciting.

Well, I found this one a few weeks ago: ~やがる (JLPT N0) | Bunpro


@stephane なるほど!I’m sure since you’ve been studying for a few years most things have come up organically, so you didn’t need to grind through every grammar point :sweat_smile:

@chicharron Thought I would cry when clicking that link, but actually it’s just a lot of commonly found Japanese in day-to-day speech (or if it isn’t that common in terms of the norm, it sure is where I live in Hiroshima). Definitely going to start cracking away at adding it to the reviews :innocent: