Need help understanding this panel

As you can see from the first three lines of the large box, JoJo’s 波紋 ability is conducted through liquids, not solids like the icicle he’s holding. It’s everything after this that I’m confused about. Mostly, the sentence that says だから大きなつららになる! What does water flowing down the sides of the icicle have to do with it becoming larger? And how is the growth of the icicle, a solid, related to the ability of Hamon to then be conducted sufficiently?

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Might need extra context for this, what does the 波紋 actually do? I feel like that’s probably essential to making sense of it. By the looks of things, your understanding is correct.

Edit - Assuming the 波紋 isn’t related to context, I’d interpret it as, ‘the water droplets running down the surface of the icicle which would cause it to grow as they usually freeze before falling are enough for him to use his power’.

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波紋 does a lot of different things, but in this case he’s using it to attach his body to an object. For example, he can walk on water, and he is using that power to attach himself to an icicle to prevent himself from falling into a ravine. If the box just said つららの表面を水滴が静かに流れている!したがって波紋効果は十分! I would understand. The droplets, being liquid, conduct the hamon sufficiently despite flowing down a solid object. I just don’t get what is causing the icicle to grow larger, when it grew larger, or why that would affect the conduction of hamon. After all, as stated earlier in the panel, it is conducted by liquid, so why would the icicle, a solid object, growing larger help with that?

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It’s dumb, but maybe he just says “that’s how it grows bigger” and then continues that it’s also why he can use the ripple?


In that case I think he is just saying that water flowing down the icicle is how they grow bigger, without it really having anything to do with the 波紋 apart from him needing the water.


Ahhh I think that’s it, nice eye. Perhaps the したがって corresponds not to the sentence before it, but the one before that, regarding the water drops. Thanks so much! This panel was driving me crazy. これからご武運を!