Hello, everyone! it’s nice to meet you all!
My name is Gabe and I’ve been trying to study Japanese since about mid 2021. I still haven’t taken any of the JLPT tests because it’s honestly just been a process figuring out how to learn how to study languages. I’ve yet to tackle any of the JLPT tests and, to be honest, I feel like my study techniques can still be a lot better. Here’s what I’ve been doing
+Anki Deck Self-Tests – the cards are pulled from immersion such as anime, movies, video games, songs, or whatever I enjoy which makes it easier to stick. I also add words from learnjapanesedaily.org which has “most common word” lists. One example is that I’m translating a visual novel I always wanted to get into, but it was released in Japanese only. So I’m literally going through the whole game and translating what all the characters say and adding new words I don’t know into my Anki deck.
I also practice Listening Comprehension as I also have decks that’s pure audio and I either get it right or I don’t. These are decks based on the material from places like Assimil and Glossika (I have purchased them, but I feel there’s an extra layer of convenience having the material in my Anki resources). As a part of this, I listen to Nihongo Go Teppei podcast and try to see how much I understand. If there’s any words or phrases that stick out to me that I don’t know, I learn the translation, and add it to my Anki.
+Grammar Lessons – my favorite resource right now is Tim Sensei’s Corner which I only know about because of this server! so far, it has the best stuff on grammar I’ve seen which is essential since it’s not enough to just study vocab. This is along little things like particles which I sometimes forget. This way, I can keep strengthening my understanding of how sentences are actually put together and conjugating different verbs.
+Writing lessons – My reading and writing skills have improved a lot from studying Hiragana and Katakana from Tofugu and Kanji from WaniKani! I’m currently on Level 4 with my Kanji on Wanikani. It’s slow-going, but I’m definitely going!
It definitely feels like there’s still loads of ground for me to cover which is why I wanted to sign up for Bunpro! I like how it has the SRS system like Wanikani. I wanted to ask you guys your advice on how to make the most of Bunpro! how do I get started and how do I make the most of it. I also have mods installed on Wanikani to enhance it’s functionality and don’t know if that’s also a thing for Bunpro. Are there ideal settings I should be using to get as much out of Bunpro as possible?
Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank you!