Newbie question

Anyone feel like remembering the sentences instead of the grammar? Is there any way to avoid it? ( i am doing n4)


I’m new ish to Bunpro, but what I found in Anki is you do get cues from the sentence “this feels right”.

But memerizing a whole sentence is harder than memerizing the grammar long term [same with mnumomics a year in] .
In 2 or 3 months, you’ll find the individual Example sentences getting hazey.

The way you avoid it
More immersion. Watch anime, read manga, listen to podcasts ect. When you hear grammar over and over, each individual sentence blurs together.

I like the podcast “Let’s learn Japanese from small talk” it’s upper N4.


A lot of people get stuck with this in the beginning as it feels like something you shouldn’t be doing, but there is no problem with this at all if we think about the long term goal, which is being able to reproduce things that you already know.

When you want to use grammar in real life, the thought process is usually ‘what sounds right here’, and what helps build that sense of correctness is many many memorized sentences.

Some grammar you will remember based on feeling (usually true for basic grammar such as particles), and some grammar you will remember as set patterns (usually true for phrases and phrasal verbs like ‘to take up’ in English, which actually means ‘to accept’, and so we just remember it that way instead of being literal).

Really the only thing that you need to be careful of with memorization is speeding through things without thinking. It’s always a good idea to go slow and think about why something is where it is, does a noun come before this grammar, a verb, an adverb? Why? If you force yourself to find those answers and remind yourself each time, you’ll be flying through the system in no time :blush:


It is okay to remember sentences a bit if you ask me. Because sentences are normally not very unique and you will later see a similar sentence. If you already remember something similar to something new then it is often easy to figure out the new. So I never feel bad when I remember a sentence. To me it’s like getting mad while doing math because you remember the math question from a previous test.


ok. thanks thought i was doing something wrong

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