News about N1 grammar getting added

Just curious about N1 grammar and when is it going to be added. Also N2 seems to lack some grammar points too

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Last I saw posted on WK they were focusing on getting all the N2 sentences added then moving on to fill in blanks in N5 through N3. Not sure what this means for the N1 grammar timeline but it could be a while.


Maybe I’m overly biased because I hope to be able to use it for N2 and N1, but I feel like this site will be far more valuable once it covers the advanced grammar.

My reasoning is that grammar isn’t sorted into N5-N1 based on difficulty, but rather frequency/applicability; more widely-applicable grammar is in N5, while rarer grammar is in N1.

The result?

Most™ of the N5/N4 grammar is frequent enough that once you’re able to start enjoying native material, it’ll be reinforced so much that artificial SRS won’t really be necessary at all. However… all that N2/N1 grammar that only surfaces once in a blue moon… SRS please :upside_down_face:

(Then again, I imagine that there will always be more beginners than advanced learners…)


Like @Gqad mentioned, we are indeed working on finishing up N2. Once that is done, we want to fill in the missing grammar from N5-N2.

I think we will start working on adding N1 in between filling in those missing grammar points. I think the earliest N1 could come at the end of March or beginning of April. Nothing is set in stone though.

@Kai You are 100% correct in your assessment. Our original aim was to build something we ourselves could use to drill those rare, hard to remember grammar.


Thank you replying to my thread, i am not complaining just curious when is N1 grammar going to be added.


Is there also a list of potential N1 grammar points available as well? Sometimes when I find a grammar point not on BP, I’m a little hesitant to suggest it be added because some resources may say it’s N2 but others N1. I don’t want to suggest grammar points that are already planned but they’re just considered N1.


Hello and thanks for the info! I’m new here!
Any updates/news on this?
I’ve been done with N2 for a while already and would love to be able to use this to review N1 grammar…!