No JLPT in Atlanta this year

For anyone who hasn’t had a look at Taking the JLPT in the United States - American Association of Teachers of Japanese recently, they won’t be doing the JLPT in Atlanta this year. That leaves a pretty massive hole here in the East :frowning:

I was really pumped to go for N3 before our trip to Japan next year. I’m bummed, but it means I can just change focus to conversationality this much sooner.


Yikes. Was going to make a nice trip out of it to see my nieces. Miami it is. That is really is a massive hole in the eastern US. I wonder what the reasoning was.

Daaang. Hopefully this isn’t permanent…

Super bummed to hear that for you mate, it’s affected a couple of my american friends who live on the east coast.

Positive side: You could always sit your N3 exam whilst you’re in Japan :wink:

As a Southerner, looking at that map hurts. I wasn’t going to take it this year, but still. To top it off with, the first Sunday of December is during the busiest travel weekends in the US, too!

I have thought about that a couple of times. I keep landing on not wanting to take time and mental energy away from the experience. Have a year plus to make a decision

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