Non-fiction book recommendations

Do you have any non-fiction book recommendations? Preferably something like an essay collections so that I can read a couple essays everyday. I have a lot of fiction I want to read but I will be taking N1 this december so I feel like I should read some non-fiction too.

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While I don’t have specific book recommendations (having not actually read any myself), you could browse through this list and read some reviews to see if anything jives with you. Natively does have an Essay tag, but since all the tags are user-added their coverage is pretty spotty.

I’m in a similar position to you.

Search for 新書 - it’s a format of non-fiction book written as an introductory level (I don’t mean introductory Japanese, I mean 入門 for natives). There are thousands of these books from different publishers. 岩波新書 is one of the biggest ones, for example. They also have an imprint aimed at kids/teenagers called 岩波ジュニア新書 - those ones vary a lot in difficulty but they tend to be shorter and easier as you’d expect. For whatever reason I also find books from 幻冬舎 to be a bit easier although it could just be random luck based on the stuff I’ve picked out. Anyway, Google 新書 or 新書 出版社 or something and have a browse. 新書 are a really good way to build vocabulary in different areas. The difficulty and quality can vary a lot depending on the writer so be wary. If you live in Japan then just go browse the 新書 section in a large bookshop and if not then make use of the sample reading feature on Amazon or wherever.

There are also obviously regular non-fiction books as well, including easier ones, although plenty of ones that are definitely more difficult than the N1.

I’ve looked for essays collections before for the same reason you’re asking and most essay books (or Japanese エッセイ books) are collections from one writer. You can search for エッセイ アンソロジー (for multiple authors) and check out the collections that do exist though. I personally haven’t got around to reading any yet myself though.



I have the IDEAL textbook for you! It’s called 日本がわかる、日本語がわかる

I discovered it a couple of months ago and I think it’s perfect for preparing the reading section of the JLPTN1. Also I think it’s a really interesting read in general.

It’s a collection of essays written about 24 best-selling Japanese books. The essays often cover things like the background behind the book, why it became so popular, and the impact of it.

After each essay, they have a vocabulary and grammar list which cover any N1 vocab/grammar included in the essay, followed by a few questions to check understanding of the text. That’s then followed by a second essay talking about the best-selling book from a different perspective.

I can’t recommend it enough, and don’t understand why it isn’t more popular!


Thanks a lot for recommendations! I will check out some 新書 and that textbook also looks great.


I also have this textbook although haven’t used it much. It’s pretty perfect for what OP is after so definitely +1. The level of the texts is pretty approachable as well. Can’t believe it didn’t come to mind originally!