Note Box Issues

Is anyone else having an issue making notes in the “add note” box? It seems to autosave sporadically, creating a lag and inserting several characters at once. Sometimes, the cursor will suddenly move from one line to the other, and a few times, it’s resulted in deleting my existing notes with the same box. I frequently switch between my English and Japanese keyboards, but it happens while using both.

Does this situation sound similar to anyone’s experience? Like if you can’t type a whole thought within seconds, the autosave cloud loads followed by a period of chaotic keying, and then back again.


@Rukishou reported similar issues in the Bug Reports thread.

Mayhap not a bug per se, but the cloud saving when editing notes lately seems way too aggressive and leads to a lot of eaten inputs, as well as moving the text cursor to the very end while I’m still in the middle of typing an earlier sentence.

I’ll move that convo here too so we can silo it.
We indeed updated the Notes system to an auto-sync system very recently.

I did a bit of my own personal testing, and I’m able to replicate some of the issues you’re describing, mostly under slower network speeds.

Will dive back in and see if I can get these fixed.
In the meantime, what devices are you two using and OSs?

EDIT: I’ve attempted a fix.
Please try it out and let me know if you notice any issues with the new Notes autosync.
I’ve also enabled the “Close” button at all times


It seems good at the moment. Now that you mention it, I was in the basement, but that has never been an issue before. I will test again tomorrow downstairs and update you should anything change. I appreciate your haste in finding a solution.

I use it a ton, so it was bizarre when it started happening. I figured everyone was experiencing it, and it would just be a matter of time before a fix was in, so I just went with it. Thanks again.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I use a bare-bones PC with Windows 11.

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I`ve been having the same issue !!

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