Onomatopoeia Deck (Official release) April-08-2024

honestly, i think you should since it would help with manag reading and understands sound effects a bit better :yum: theres only so much korone can teach me while playing bs2 for the 14 hour in a row :laughing:
if you know who korone and okayu is then, much love :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

make that 3 :sweat:


This is awesome! I know there’s no set rule but when (in one’s Japanese study) would y’all recommend one begins to dive into this? Personally for me, I feel like I should get a lot more grammar under my belt first.


If you’re going at a relatively leisurely pace, there’s no reason you couldn’t start sooner! All of the example sentences we’re writing for onomatopoeia are either at or below N3 to focus on highlighting the meanings.



Hi there!

This has been fixed~
Default should be working properly now 🙇‍♂️


Loving this so far. Any timeline on when it might make its way to the Android app?
In the meantime, keep up the great work. :blush:

EDIT: Just saw it updated now. Good stuff!


Sorry for a late ping on this, but I’m trying to figure out if I have a setting for this messed up. My settings for オノマトペ (and the rest of my reviews, honestly) are like this:

but my reviews for あっさり and a few other words (the ones from the first set I studied, I think) still show up as just the onomatopoeia, without a context sentence, the way あっさり does in @JandroSantiago’s previous screenshot. The context sentences are a lot of help for me when it comes to actually remembering meaning/nuance, so I’d prefer to have them if at all possible.

Am I doing something wrong with the settings, do these words just not have context sentences yet, or is this some sort of bug?


@veritas_nz may have some idea of what is going on here if it seems to be a consistent error. I’ll just ask in case, have you gone into your individual deck settings and clicked the very bottom setting that backdates anything you learned before you changed settings?

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I’m 90% sure that I did so yesterday when I first realized they were only giving the vocabulary, but I did so again just now to make sure. The vocabulary I’m having the issue with isn’t up for review at the moment though so I can’t double check.

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Did some reviews just now, so here’s two words from that session that were still doing it. I use the fill-in/manual style for pretty much all my reviews across the board, so to my knowledge all my settings are selected accordingly.

If it’s just some bizarre bug I’m sure I’ll manage, but if there is a solution that’d be lovely.


Hmmmm I just checked your account and couldn’t find this Vocab in your Reviews!

Please let me know if the issue still exists for you and I’ll take a look into your account 🙇‍♂️


That is wild, I just did the reviews that those screenshots are from a few hours ago. I can’t get further screenshots at the moment because I’m in between reviews, but is there other information I could get to help figure things out?


Ahhhh I’m thinking I misunderstood the original issue…
It seems that there are no Cloze (Fill-in) questions available for these Vocab items yet.

The sentences in the Examples section and the sentences used as actual questions differs.
So even if a Vocab has Examples, it might not have actual questions yet, if that makes sense.
This might be the cause of the potential confusion?

This will differ on a per-Vocab basis, and can be checked on the individual Vocab’s page, like so:

Hope that clears things up!


Just checked for those two words and yep, looks like that’s the sticking point! I’m sure that’s probably the issue for any others, then, it which case the solution is just a little bit of patience. I just wanted to make sure I didnt’ have either a bug or a mis-selected setting of some sort.

Thanks for the the さっさと answer!


Nah honestly it’s pretty confusing… not the first user to bring it up and definitely not the last!

We’re currently looking at ways we can get these sentences out a bit faster.
Watch this space! :hourglass_flowing_sand:


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Thank you so much! Sorry for my late reply but as I requested this feature in the past I am very happy!


I might be missing something obvious here, but where are the sound significance explanations in this deck?

Strange… I see it in the iOS app.

But I don’t see it on the web site.

Interesting! I can confirm that I can see it on the Android app as well, but I don’t see it on the website (which is where I had been looking).

Might be a deck setting? If you ordered by anything other than “Default” it won’t be broken down by grouping.