Option to keep hint on?

There are many sentences that I keep having to hit ‘hint’ in order to know what it wants from me as a correct answer. Such as:

I might type here 綺麗です。This gives no context that the answer it wanted was 綺麗になる。
Now the hint:

This isnt even a hint, this is the question itself. If I dont know the question, how can I give an answer? Am I doing something wrong?

This is incredibly frustrating and annoying, ‘hints’ should either be written in the blank space (for which some are, but some arent) or there should be an ‘always show hint’ option in settings because I dont want to keep having to click hint every review just to know what is asked, when I have 100 reviews and want to speed through them.

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Hmm, rather than a hint, it is a translation. I guess the problem with simple grammar is that a hint that doesn’t fully give away the answer is hard to make :thinking:

Do you have any suggestions for a good hint?
Maybe: ‘opposite of (to make beautiful)’, to show that the verb isn’t する


To be honest, I dont care about if its translating or not, I already know the vocab and kanji. I just think the hint itself should have an always show option. Maybe that would be bad for newer learners though, but it wouldnt affect me.

Edit: After thinking on it a bit more, I do think that it doesnt matter that it is showing the translation. It must do that, we arent here to learn vocabulary, we are here to practice grammar, and it will make the question clear. The website itself doesnt assume you know vocabulary, and if you dont it will still be difficult to use the verbs it gives you without knowing them beforehand.

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Have you tried the different options in settings for Review English? Because there are five different options you can choose there for how much you want to show when a review first shows.


That is exactly what I am looking for, thanks so much. I just want it to make clear what it wants from me, I dont mind it translating as long as I know what grammar it precisely wants.

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