57 643 + 23 = 57666
57666 + 22 = 57688
57688 (community total) + 30 (my reviews) = 57718
57718 (community total) + 21 (my reviews) = 57739
57739 (community total) + 92 (my reviews) = 57831
57831 (community total) + 4 (my reviews two days ago) + 2 (my reviews yesterday) + 26 (my reviews today) = 57863
57863 (community total) + 84 (my reviews) = 57967
57967 (community total) + 24 (my reviews) = 57991
57991 (community total) + 12 (my reviews) = 58003
58003 (community total)+ 25 (my reviews)= 58028
58028 (community total) + 74 (yesterday’s reviews) = 58102
58102 (community total) + 36 (my reviews) = 58138
58138 (community total) + 46 (my reviews) = 58.184
Ah, I forgot to post the answer to my kanji quiz. 鰻 is read うなぎ and it means eel. Lovely in sushi and in a donburi rice bowl.
58584 + 68 = 58252
58252 (community total)+30 (my reviews)= 58282
58 282 (community total) + 27 (my reviews) = 58 309
58 309 (community total) + 35 (my reviews) = 58 344
58 344 (community total) + 7 (my reviews) = 58 351
58 351 (community total) + 94 (my reviews) = 58 445