68240 (community total) + 38 (my reviews) = 68278
68278(community) + 73(my total)= 68361
68361 (community) + 52 (my reviews, 3 days) = 68413
68413 + 232 = 68645
Somehow, this does not seem to add up. (78 + 73 = 151)
So I guess we are really only at 68635.
oop i miscounted that extra 10 my b
68635 (community total) + 196 (my catch-up reviews) = 68831
68831 (community total) + 15 (my reviews) = 68846
68 846 (community total) + 37 (my reviews) = 68 883
68883 (community total)+31 (my reviews)=68914
68914 (community total) + 12 (my reviews) = 68926
68926 (community total) + 54 (my reviews) = 68980
68980 (community total) + 13 (my reviews) = 68993
68993(community total) + 20 (my reviews) = 69_013
69 013 (community total) + 3 (昨日) + 24 (今日) = 69 040
69040 + 50 = 69090
69090 + 260 = 69350
69350 (community total) + 52 (my reviews) = 69402
69402 (community total) + 91 (my reviews) = 69493
69493 + 19 = 69512