Over 9000! ... New sentences! Making context the king of vocab learning

It’s good to know I’m not in the minority, doing reviews and 90% of stuff on Bunpro is so much more enjoyable on mobile and easy to use lmao. Plus how else am I going to knock out my reps when I’m at the slot machines?!


Triggering popout: Not a fan of option A because that adds extra clicks/taps to get to the popout. I’d be interested to see if Option B would work (long press to toggle furigana), but that might upset some people if it interferes with the typical expected behavior of long press to select and copy text. I think hover makes sense for desktop as others have said. For mobile, I think possible good options are:

  • Tap once to open the popout, and show the furigana there by default. Basically what @rdennison7 said.
  • Tap once to open the popout, or quickly double tap to toggle furigana.

Popout into popout:
Single popout is probably better than multiple popouts. As for going forwards, there probably isn’t a need for it, but it could be nice. I can’t find a screenshot, but Visual Studio does something similar in a way I think would work well here. When you “Go to definition” of a method or something, it opens a little preview popup window. If you again go to definition in there, it shows that in the same popup. There are little dots/circles in the upper left (from memory) that you can click to view any of those instances you currently have open, forwards or backwards, anything. But yeah, going forwards is not a make or break feature for me.


It might be good to have a separate thread just to talk about mobile issues. I’m 99% on mobile because that’s the only real way I can fit in bunpro with 3 little kids running around, but I wouldn’t say I prefer mobile. The mobile experience is pretty obviously worse than desktop imo. It’s usable but not enjoyable. And perhaps ironically, it’s more tedious to report mobile issues on the forums. :slight_smile:

Actually just today I was going to report an issue, but I couldn’t find the Report Issue button that’s normally there, so…now I don’t remember what it was.

Some things off the top of my head (Pixel 5a, Edge):

  • After starting a review session, furigana isn’t toggleable until I refresh the page. Then it’s fine for the remainder of the review session.
  • Sometimes I can’t find a button for reporting issues.
  • Bug during Study where if I click Continue after completing the Quiz Me, the next page doesn’t exist.
  • Many visual issues with spacing, overlapping features, etc.
  • Vertical spacing isn’t optimal and leads to having to scroll up and down a lot during reviews, especially with longer sentences, which is frustrating.
  • Popouts are currently triggered on touch down, not touch release, meaning they get accidentally triggered when I’m just trying to scroll through example sentences. Very frustrating.

I want the Furigana to be displayed by mouse-hover and the popup by clicking. But that’s only a good solution for the desktop. So I would choose option A.

This sounds very good.

I don’t like the idea of stacked popups. Clicking other words multiple times will require you to close all of these pop-ups.

I don’t think there is any need for a forward button. You can just click on the word you want to reopen.


I think my pains have pretty much been shared already, but I’ll do my reviews later on mobile and see if I come up with something else.


Thanks for the super detailed feedback everyone! It’s really helpful, and makes it far quicker and easier to implement fixes on our end.
We will find the best workaround that we can, as we also believe that the furigana tool is super helpful, and should not be negatively impacted by the popouts. :blush:

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How about a magic furigana wand button that toggles furigana toggling mode? That works everywhere. Hover can still do something on desktop regardless.


So I have the mobile version another go. It really improved since last time I tried, and most of the visual glitches I used to deal with are gone.

If I had to say something that it’s not very obvious, is that I can not tell if a word has vocabulary or not. In the desktop you can hover over the mouse, and you see it becomes shadowed so there’s a modal pop-up behind it, in the mobile version it’s a mystery if it’s going to toggle the furigana or open the vocabulary popup.


We should be able to work out a short term solution for this, but with the goal being that ‘every’ word will be clickable in the near future, it would only be something that we’d need short term.


That could work. But I’d still prefer hover for furigana on desktop.

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I don’t know about this one. My initial reaction is that this sounds a little cumbersome, adding visual complexity (already an issue on mobile) and state management. As a user I’d have to be aware of which state was active, and/or just start clicking stuff and possibly have the undesired action happen.

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I vote for this. Simple is better. :blush:

I’m a split user: on lunch breaks I use mobile, at home I use web browser. I’m on iPhone. My main gripe is that posting is painful because the keyboard+message box covers up the original post.