"Pause" a deck?

I currently have multiple decks in my review queue. I’d like to “pause” a deck so that it doesn’t show up in my review queues – essentially letting me focus on the grammar decks for a while and not having to deal with all the vocab in the reviews.

Is there an easy way to do this?


Well if you just want to separate the vocab from grammar you can go to settings and choose split reviews. It doesn’t pause the reviews, so they’ll still build up. But it’ll let you do only grammar reviews so vocab doesn’t get in the way during the review session

I would love a pause feature tho… Cuz like I want to ignore certain review piles without having to manually remove them from reviews. So I could unpause them and continue


Split reviews will work for me! Thanks


I threw a request for this a little while ago in the Feedback thread, if you want to go add a +1 comment to it :sweat_smile:


One quick workaround is to just remove the deck from your queue and then add it back again when you’re ready to continue with it. You won’t lose any progress.


@Daru You could also remove your Daily Goal count to zero, which would act the same but keep it in the queue.

@TheWulf Slightly more manual, but you can also visit this page.

And manually use the Review button for each of your studied Decks.