Percentage in statistics

Hello fellow 先輩, I was wondering if anyone could help explain the percentage in the statistics page.

When I look at my statistics my N5 rating is at 91% and my N4 is at 82%. Is there a way that I can find my weakest grammar points so that I can further study them and get my percentage up to 100%? Or have I misunderstood this feature?

91% means that you roughly get 9 out of 10 reviews correct in N5 and 8 out of 10 in N4.

There’s currently no feature to show you all your troubled grammar points even though there’s a section “troubled grammar” in the statistics. But that’s buggy since ages and never showed a single grammar point for me.

In order to get 100% you would need to get every review question correct, which is unlikely, especially for the higher N levels. If you can keep 90% that’s very good.

You should be able to see a section like this at the bottom of your stats page:

The troubled grammar are things that you’ve made mistakes on several times and the ghost reviews (if you have them turned on) are things that you’ve missed recently.

Edit: Ah, @Anthropos888 beat me to it. And apparently the troubled grammar can be buggy; mine hasn’t had that issue.

I see so the troubled grammar are the points I can focus on to try and get the percentage up. I assume that as I progress up the 12 steps for each grammar my percentage will go up too? I only have いらっしゃる at the moment, not sure if just having one sounds correct???

I tried to look at individual grammar points to see if it said anywhere the number of times it has been gotten wrong, but it looks like this doesn’t exist. Being able to see your percentage for each grammar point and then organising all the grammar in ascending order of ‘correctness’ would be super usefull. I believe that WaniKani has a similar feature.

Unlikely. From my experience Bunpro is getting harder and harder the more grammar points you learn because you’ll encounter dozens of very very similar grammar points. That makes it hard to remember all the similar grammar and will also increase confusion during reviews. So probably your accuracy on higher SRS levels won’t be better than now because you learned many similar grammar points in the meantime and probably forget about some of the others in the 6 months between SRS 11 and 12