Petty suggestion

So, I’ve recently finished all the grammar on the 4 main grammar books, and from now I’ll be moving to Tobira.

Thing is, the interface gives no feedback that you’ve completed a book on this bit!
I know it’s super petty, it’s probably not important at all in comparison to other things that have to be resolved within the app, but it’d be pretty gratifying to see something marking that you’ve gone and done it.

That is all.


If they add anything, I vote for the mark to be a 花丸! :white_flower:

But, would that mean all paths get marked as “completed” if you’ve done all their grammar without deliberately “following” them? :thinking:


The point here is to flex. So hell yeah you’d get your mark!
(I think)


I think that’s a great idea! And yeah, it should definitely give you the mark regardless of whether you’ve “followed” that path. Anything which allows users to feel progress is a good thing.

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