Please Don't Make Me Lose XP


I’m really not a fan of losing xp when getting answers incorrect. It’s really annoying and distracts me from my studying. Can we have an option to either disable the bar or not lose XP when getting questions wrong. I know it’s nitpicky but it just seems silly and makes me feel “bad” for getting questions wrong.

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You shouldn’t be losing XP when entering the wrong answer

It can only happen if you use “oops…” button or “backspace” key after providing a proper answer - in that case, you lose points that have been obtained for that answer. But if you write a proper answer again you will get them back


It’s not that. This happened when I get level 40. If I enter in the wrong answer I flat out lose xp. I’m familiar with backspace removing the xp and that’s normal behavior.

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I have contacted the programming team :bowing_man:

Sorry for not being of much help :bowing_man::bowing_man:

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I hit level 41 today and now none of the answers I get correct give me xp. Everything gives me a big fat zero, but I’m not losing xp anymore. Weird.


perhaps they were Ghost reviews? iirc those don’t give any XP


I occasionally lose XP when using BunPro from a mobile browser (Mobile Safari). It seems to lose track of which reviews I’ve done while I’m reviewing and causes me to go backwards in XP instead of forwards. I’ve never had this problem from a desktop, however. I suspect it’s some kind of bug in the system.