Hi folks,
After taking a break from Japanese after the N4 exam (failed by 5 points oop) and finishing Genki 2, I have the motivation to brush the cobwebs off and get back into my Japanese studies.
I was wondering where people went after they finished Genki 2? Do you recommend the Quartet series? Or since those grammar points are right here on Bunpro is there any point in buying the textbook? I’m steadily continuing with both N3 vocab and grammar decks here and am back into WaniKani although it’s been a slow restart!
Reading was the weakest part of my N4 results, so I’d like to improve that. Also, general comprehension and speaking ability because there have been a few times recently where someone has asked me something and I know what they mean but I struggle to remember the correct response. That could be part of not studying for a few months though!
Any advice is welcome!