Hi there! If anyone can answer it, I have a question about how Review Queuing Timing works for the “Daily - Start of the day (3AM)” option. I currently have this option, but still end up with reviews that come later in the day.
Some of these are coming from items that I know I learned multiple days after choosing the 3 AM start setting, so they didn’t get grandfathered into the “start of the hour setting.” Would anyone have an explanation as to where these items are coming from? My current theory is that ghosts seem to not obey the 3 AM start time (If there is a setting for this, I couldn’t seem to find it). However, I have a few grammar items that are also not coming in at 3 AM and I do not have any grammar ghosts.
Any insight would be appreciated. For now, I have applied the settings option to convert all current reviews to 3 AM. However, I have done this on previous days to the same result of some reviews not coming in at 3 AM.
Thank you advance.