So I was looking over some practice tests and I saw a question I found a bit confusing, its this.
たくさんのことを( )言われても、覚えられません。
- 一度に
- 偶然
- 十分
- 平等に
The correct answer being 1 (一度に)
Which I found rather confusing the harder I thought about it, as I have been considering this to mean something along the lines of “Even if you tell me a lot of things all at once, I can’t remember.” I had originally picked 十分 as my answer in an attempt to make the sentence be contrastive, however it seems its incorrect.
I find the correct answer hard to understand as it’s not contrastive, its rather expected. Much like if you were to say “Even if you shoot me many times, I will bleed” this wouldn’t make sense as its the expected outcome you’d have to say "I wont bleed’ for it to make sense.
The presumed outcome from being told a ton of things all at once…would be that it is now harder to remember right? So how is it contrastive? Wouldn’t the sentence make more sense as saying “Even if you tell me one at a time, I still can’t remember” or something like that?
I went and checked through bunpros example sentences and it fits with my previous thinking
Even if I work out, I don’t lose weight.
Even if I wear socks, my feet get cold.
Even if I eat a lot of salad, I don’t get full.
All of these provide contrastive statements where B is an unexpected outcome.
I would appreciate your guys take on this and where I am going wrong in my thought process about this.