'Reading' vs 'Filling In' grammar reviews to combat synonym hell

Hello! I’m curious if anyone has any experience using the ‘Reading’ question type instead of ‘Filling In’ for grammar reviews. I’m at a point where multiple synonyms could work as answers, but I don’t always get the specific one being asked, but I would’ve understood the meaning in context, so I’m wondering if switching to the Reading question type would be beneficial, especially since my main focus is input. I often hear people mention ‘synonym hell,’ so I thought this might help with the issue if reproducing isn’t the main goal?


I have most of my grammar reviews in reading mode. Since I have no opportunities for output now and in the foreseeable future, I rather focus on being able to recognise and understand the grammar patterns in a sentence and for that, the reading mode reviews are awesome. So yeah, go for it :slight_smile:


I use the reading mode and it works better for me than filling the answer. My focus is the ability to read, not write, so this works better.


I too now use the reading mode, as it seems better preparation for the JLPT exams.


I’m finishing n4 right now and was thinking about switching to reading mode as well :thinking:
I do no output yet (or only starting with writing)
My there is an option to put them all to input mode after certain period? For example after seasoned 4 they become input so I can practice it as well!
I actually think I’m less productive with input because most of the time I’m just translating instead of reading and understanding the hole point


How do you feel after switching?
I expect that it will reduce time and increase retention, is that so in your case?

I think time on reviews has increased - it takes longer to read the full Japanese “questions”, though hopefully reading speed is increasing a little over time, and the manual input time has reduced (the time it takes to make 2 of the same keystrokes).

For retention, I don’t have a solid measure, but I guess being able to recognise and understand the word when reading has increased - that would make sense.
As for being able to produce the word, there aren’t many situations where that would normally happen, so it’s really difficult to know, but I guess that probably isn’t going up as quickly now. I’m OK with that, as it’s reading that I really want to improve.


Mhh now I think about changing too :thinking:
Sry I’m a bit blind but where can I change it ?

I do fill in if I need extra practice
my anki is reading type
if it becomes a leech in anki (wrong 7 times) I put it in bunpro.
I’m currently N3 ish, so if it’s N2 or N1 reading, 5-3 fill in
grammar I do fill in

I recently complained about the same thing but after switching to reading style all of my reviews have gone great.

Settings > reviews > Choose “answer type read & grade + question type reading” and hit “update”

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After changing my settings to Review It basically feels like reading real stuff!
Should I even bother reading and switch to doing bunpro 5h/day?

I’m a little behind you in Japanese, but I think some reading is beneficial. You could try extensive reading

You are probably behind me not in Japanese but just in bunpro)
Extensive reading means that texts are relatively easy for me?

Well, hard to measure like that, actually, but I’m more on the “slow and steady” path, totally opposite of yours:)
I think what you mentioned would be more like Comprehensible input. You should read this comment on Reddit, it explains the concept well. Like, sometimes I read some manga just for fun (I want to do it more often, actually)

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I have no idea if I can do that. My day is like:

  • Struggle to sit and learn
  • Ok, it’s 23:00 so I have no time if I won’t start right now and I start.

But the idea of reading something chill in Japanese instead of going on readdit to loose a few hours feels right! Maybe I’ll find something for my level, but right now it’s hard, I know so little words, the most chill reading for me is like videos about language learning, but it’s not what I want to read, it’s what I read to be able to watch)

What do you like to read normally? I have bookmarked a lot of reading resources, but I think the most fun ones are manga

Also, I’ve been following your study log for a few weeks and I saw that you’ve gave up vocab study. If you wanna, can you explain to me what you’ve tried so far?

I don’t actually read anything unless it’s something recommended, so it’s hard to say(

I can describe my endeavors but it’s better if you ask this question directly in that dedicated thread so this one can stay topic-related

There’s Wanikani Community’s Absolute Beginner Book Club. They’ve been active for some years now, so there’s a lot of options. I like to use bilingualmanga.org to read manga

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For the longest possible time I have used Filling In for grammar but recently I have been moving some to “Reading” because of the reason you mentioned exactly. I can come up with an answer but not the right term bunpro wants.

So, even though I think filling in helps you learn more, at the current point I think I’ll start moving more towards “reading”.