Reasonable number of daily reviews

hi guys,

what, in your experience, is a doable/reasonable amount of daily reviews? and at which mastery level of already quized (so longer SRS interval until next review) items do you start adding new ones?


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Number of reviews per day among users will be too varied IMO, but I think the most important metric will be to not look at mastered items but instead focus on items that are both ghosts and also in the Beginner (maybe even Adept) stage. Once you determine how many reviews you’re comfortable with per day by using the website, you can then use Ghosts/Beginner + the forecast to plan out when you should be slowing down if you see your upcoming daily reviews exceeding whatever number you’ve come up for yourself.

At least that’s how I would do it, probably would lead to the least amount of pain in the end but everyone learns differently I suppose. :man_cook:


thanks, ‘ghosts’ means weak/wrong items that are repeated right?

The most important is that it depends on what’s a pace you feel comfortable with; imo it should be a little challenging but not overwhelming, so that you feel a sense of progress, but without being discouraged by having too much on your plate. It all depends on how much time you have to dedicate every day to lessons and reviews, so it varies wildly from one person to another.

Also yes, ghost reviews are reviews you’ve gotten wrong that show up again separately from the grammar review itself, those can add up quite a bit too so I suggest changing the Ghost Reviews setting to minimal:


Personally, I use number of ghost reviews as the guideline for when to stop adding new grammar points. Specifically, I currently stop adding new points if I have 20 or more ghosts. How many new points I add per day varies a little, but as long as the number of ghosts doesn’t spike up, that usually means I’m moving everything up the SRS ladder fast enough that the number of reviews doesn’t go too high either (within reason of course). Number of daily new grammar points varies in the 2-6 range so far.


Yes, ghosts are items that are created when you get a grammar point wrong and have you see a repeated question and don’t actually affect the SRS of the grammar point after they are created.

The other advice here that number of reviews and time you’re willing to spend is personal, I will second. I think a big point is you can’t overwhelm yourself or it will make it incredibly easy to give up.

To humor you and give you a number, I’ve done about three grammar points a day for a bit more than a month currently and my daily reviews range from like 40-80, and I’m finding now this number is probably a bit too high. I’m married, have a full time job, and dogs to take care of, and having this many reviews is starting to get in the way of my immersion time, so I’m gonna not add anything new, at least for a few days, til the number of reviews falls down to where I feel I can comfortably spend more time learning new stuff and it not interfere with my immersion time again.

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thanks, that’s helpful!

speaking of ghosts, I have two of them right now. is there anything I should do now or will they come along as extra reviews?



They will appear automatically in your reviews, with their own SRS interval. When you answer them right a number of times in a row, the ghosts will be ‘slain’ and disappear.

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