Reorder questions

I am wondering,

Is there any way to reorder the Bunpro questions? I would love to be able to group them by grammar point, and when I fail a question, I would like to answer it straight away, instead of having it going to the back of the queue.

I know that this sounds a bit like cheating, but it would make the reviews much more “fluid” for me. My problem with Bunpro is that, on the contrary of what happens with WaniKani, it feels like a chore, so I find myself doing Bunpro less often than I should.

My point is that doing reviews a bit easier, but make them faster and, thus, reviewing more often, is better than having harder reviews, but spending a lot of time in each session.

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Apart from your specific suggestion, you can reorder by refreshing the review page. It’s not exactly what you want, but wanted to mention it in case you didn’t know that that at least is an option at the moment.

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You can do this by choosing ‘wrap up’ each time you fail a question if you think this will help you.


I actually do that if I fail too many sentences, because I don’t want to spend the next 10 minutes trying and failing the same 10 sentences :slight_smile:
Usually if I answer 4-5 incorrectly I press wrap up :slight_smile:


That may be a stupid question but, how do you choose “wrap up”? I cannot find the option anywhere.

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First, click here:

If you haven’t answered any reviews incorrectly so far, it will display ‘finish’ and you can finish there and then.

If you’ve answered at least one review incorrectly, it will display ‘wrap up’ and you can finish by answering all the reviews you have answered incorrectly so far.


Thank you! I didn’t see!