Reset Grammar Point

What happens if I chose to reset a grammar point that I have already “mastered” (12/12)?

  • Will my current accumulated XP drop accordingly?
  • Assuming there was a day when I only did one review sentence, and it was related to the said grammar point; would resetting the grammar point affect my streak?

(Yes, there was a period where I could only find time to do just one review per day or so. Life)

Will my current accumulated XP drop accordingly?


Assuming there was a day when I only did one review sentence, and it was related to the said grammar point; would resetting the grammar point affect my streak?

Yes, but only if you recalculate. If you don’t recalculate your streak will remain unaffected.

But resetting grammar points is not a bad idea. Just look at me, I’ve completely reset my account to zero and here am I just a few months later - back to learning N2 with level 66 (as of now). It is a great way to practice more :slight_smile: I plan to reset it again when they finish adding N1 to review everything from scratch again :slight_smile:



Yes, I do agree that resetting grammar points might be beneficial.
I was just looking at some of my N4 grammar points today which were marked as “Mastered” (12/12), and I realized that it has been so long since I have seen them that I am no longer 100% confident of all the different scenarios.

Although I am not as crazy to completely reset my account yet :slight_smile: