Review UI takes a while to submit answers

Hey all, this is something that has been bugging me for a while, but whenever I try to review my cards and try to submit an answer, I’ve noticed the UI freezes for a while for me.

I went ahead and took a snapshot of the interaction (clicking submit) to give some context:

I’ve tried few different browsers (no extensions), and I’m running on a M1 pro:

I’ve also noticed this when running on a windows 10.

Anybody else with this problem?


I get this too almost every time, using chrome on windows 10.


Same, it’s quite annoying. 2019 Macbook pro (no m-chip).

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@sudenpentulintu @sanada
Could you let me know if there are any errors happening in the console?

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This is what I see, although the delay is currently a bit less bad (around 0.5-1 second). Sometimes it takes up to 3-5 seconds.


@Jake From the SS I’ve posted, you can see the event handler takes quite a while to process too

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While using the app, after coming back to the app (and having it open for a while), I now start seeing these errors:


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I was able to get a slow event handler:

This was the (uglified) handler that slow:

The handler:


@Jake here’s the profile replay in case you want to retrace it yourself: Send

I wasn’t able to directly upload to this forum, it only supports media files

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This is the same error I’m seeing

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I am also having the same error in Microsoft Edge, reproducible across different machines. Here’s what I see in the console:Untitled

I’m glad in not the only one with this problem. I usually get it when using bunpro in bed with my macbook air, I thought it had to do something with bad wifi connection or something. I feel like it happens more often the more reviews you have. After a few seconds I also get the chrome alert “The site is slow/unresponsive” with “close” “wait” buttons


I have removed code that was causing that specific error. Did it at all improve the issue?

Your process is amusing:

  1. Problem.
  2. Press DEL.
  3. No problem.


Edit: I tried that on the debits on my bank statement. It didn’t work.

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60% of the time it works every time :joy:

One should note, there is a crucial subsection to #1 and that is: not know the source of the problem and/or not be able to reproduce it.

That being said, the thing causing the error (at least in the console here) was old code that should have been removed anyway.

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The review UI does seem to be performing better now–will update this thread if the problem recurs. Appreciate the quick attention to this issue!

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Hey @Jake first of all thank you for addressing these issues and rolling out an update so quickly. The errors in my console are indeed gone, but it didn’t have an effect on the delay.

For me, the issue only occurs when submitting an answer, or after an answer has been submitted. 95% of the time, I see a response within a second, 4% it takes about a second, but like 1% of the time it can take 3-10 seconds.

While I have a very good internet connection, I wonder if it may be a networking issue. As I use the app on different devices, I find it hard to believe anyone would not encounter this issue. However, when I set my internet speed to “3G slow”, I get the exact same issue. I don’t really know how that would explain the occasional tab crash though.

If there’s anything I can do to help you reproduce this, please let me know.

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I am also still experiencing this issue.

Just wanted to update the thread to note that I am experiencing this issue again–several times in a review session, I have had the page take upwards of 5 seconds to process an input. Nothing appears in the console when this occurs, but I note that I can still ping at normal speed, which may eliminate connection speed as a cause.

Let me know if I can provide any further information.

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