Reviews Added?

Can someone explain what exactly “Reviews Added” means in my review forecast? For example, I have 35 reviews left today and tomorrow it says 139 reviews added and a total of 174. Okay. And then the day after it says 60 added. I would interpret that as meaning that if I do all my reviews today/tomorrow and don’t create any new ghosts, I’ll only have 60 on Wednesday. But experience with Bunpro tells me that I will probably have 150-200 Wednesday as well.

What exactly does the “reviews added” number mean? How is it calculated?

Based on my understanding, it simply means that x amount of reviews will become available on that day. In your example, no it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will only have 60 reviews on Wednesday. You need to remember that even if you get all of your 174 reviews correct, each of them will simply gain one SRS level. If they are all low leveled then you will need to review them again in a day or two. So if you want to know how many reviews you need to do after finishing all of your reviews then check the forecast after you finish your last review for the day.

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I was afraid of that. If that’s the case, I have a feature request: forecast the number of reviews assuming you answer all prior reviews correctly. That would be very helpful!


I agree it could be helpful to know!
However, it may also have to assume you answer all of tomorrow’s reviews correctly too.
(If you have a review due at 1am tomorrow and get it right, then you might get the same one back around again a few hours later if it’s still in the “Beginner” stage, for example).