Sasuga - App to Practice for the JLPT

Hi all! Have been busier this past month so progress has slowed down. Never the less the new version is here!

On Sasuga v9:

  • Fixed N4 results calculation not being accurate
  • Fixed audio not pausing and continuing properly during listening exercises
  • Added sound effects when interacting with buttons
  • Added exam selection screen. N4 and N3 are available for now
  • Added N3 with full vocab section and first 18 grammar questions

The plan for the next version is to continue adding more content to N3 and improve the UI as I go along. I want to focus on getting more content for N3 and N4 in before making the UI prettier though.

As always if you want to try it:
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]


Congratulations. Loved your app.
One suggestion I would make is the possibility to stop the test after 10/20/30 questions (or each section) to see my progress, in case, I can’t make it through the whole thing, which is quite long.

Thanks for the feedback!

I think you might have read my mind! I had added this button this week. Should be in the next version! !



Thank you very much! Let me know when the new version is up! Looking forward to it. The app you develop is really very useful for practicing.

Hey hey! Got a new version of Sasuga out!

On Sasuga v10:

  • Fixed results sometimes showing broken numbers
  • Added N3 full grammar section
  • Added N3 partial reading section
  • Added option to “end exam” and go straight to the results.

Not a lot of “new” things. I had to a lot of behind the scenes things to get N4 and N3 working and making it easy moving forward to add more content.

Next target is to finish N3 reading section and then do N3 listening section.

As always, if you want to try it:
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]


Hi everyone. Finally managed to v11 of Sasuga out! Full N3 test available now!

On Sasuga v11:

  • Finished adding N3 listening questions
  • Moved all N4 and N3 grammar and reading questions that had a reading part to a separate popup

This version ended up taking a bit longer because I was having issues making a build for WebGL. For some reason it wasn’t properly loading the questions on the web version. After an investigation I managed to solve it so things should be smoother after this version :slight_smile:

As always, link here:


Hey, I wanted to thank you for the app.
Trying a full test with the clock ticking helped me to estimate how long it would take me to do the actual thing, and if I can focus properly for the whole duration. That was really helpful.


Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad it helped you!

Thanks for your effort! I have a question, when you say full grammar added how much questions do you mean? Are they from past tests or something like that?

So it means that I have added the necessary amount of questions for that section of the exam. It’s all from previous mock exams I have. :slight_smile:

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Hi guys. Sasuga v12 here! Not many new stuff this time, but quite a cool update!

On Sasuga v12:

  • Profile screen with global average and last exam results
  • Stats are saved between sessions

I added a screen that is going to show you your average time and score based on previous exams. It also shows you when and how well you did on your previous exam. Best of it is that all is stored between sessions!

Here’s the link: