SOLUTION for Old Memory Conflicts

Hi Bunpro Team,

Would it be possible during reviews to have an indicator when the grammar point asked for is older then a certain amount of time? EG say 30 days?

I’m sure every single person who’s ever used bunpro has failed many (many) grammar points over time due to simply attempting to ‘fish’ for a similar grammar point that they have more recently learned due to the many similar nuances that are inevitably shared among many JLPT levels and grammar points.

A simple icon / indicator like a tooltip or something similar that says “This grammar point last appeared (3) months ago!” Or something similar would solve this immediately as it would completely cut out the fishing loop of recent grammar points learned.

Would something like this be possible?

Thank you.


I think this is a good idea - the way I basically do this right now, is I see what level the card is at. If it’s adept 1 or even in beginner, I know it’s new (at least it better be!). If I see it’s seasoned 3 or something, I know this is something that I haven’t used in a long while and is probably a more “beginner” card.


Literally this tho. I already am able to see how “old/recent” a card is by its srs level if I’m struggling with similar points, there’s no finishing needed. Especially since nuance notes are available to help pinpoint

I’m not against adding a " this card last appeared X days ago" as long as it isn’t mandatory, it just seems redundant to me and not something I would ever use

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