Something I don't understand about Bunpro

As far as 青い鳥文庫、their stuff has a japanese feel to the writing. But you obviously will always be better off with books written toward a japanese audience.


I recommend that you take a look on this channel, there’s a lot of useful advices about language learning and also about learning Japanese specifically.

A thing that I could tell you about how to improve reading is to read something that you’re very interested in, this way you can try to understand what’s being said without too much effort, since it’s something you like.


I get why BP doesn’t use MCQs, those suck, but why not something like a sentence which has has a grammar word underlined and then inputting (not choosing from given answers) the English meaning, for instance? Because it can mean many different things and learning to produce the grammar point still teaches you more strongly the grammar point? Or how about the same thing, except you grade yourself, like Anki?

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„To pick“ is something which really keeps me back to actually learn something, f.e. Memrise. It is hard to even think what the answer could be because it already is in front of you, just to pick - not a good system (for me, because then it is almost obvious)

For me it would be even better to have to translate the whole english sentence into a japanese one with the meaning they suggest :smiley: because again I am just looking at ‚what I have to fill in’ instead of reading the whole sentence. But it is way better than the pick-system. maybe in the future :wink:


But its not their fault that you don’t read the sentence.

Thank you for your input!
I guess no one was talking about who‘s fault something is, just talking about different problems everyone has to struggle with and showing other possibilities!
I study with many various apps and sites and bunpro is way the best to study grammar! :slight_smile:

See you‘ll and JLPT :sunglasses:

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I mean, you could make an Anki deck with English translations, and Japanese sentences as the answer, if you wanna do that.

Thank you, that‘s actually a very good idea! Will take some time but I think it is the best way, thanks :slight_smile:

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Honestly, given your examples, I’d say reading about the grammar and having it explained in videos was the one and only thing that taught me the actual nuance between は、が. I cannot imagine the amount of material I’d have to have read, listened to or experienced in order to fully grasp what a few lines of properly explained text have done.

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