Specific words in the wild you recognize from Bunpro

What really specific words have you recognized from Japanese media that you originally learned from Bunpro, and where did you recognize them (if you remember)? One I recognized was 天気予報(てんきよほう, weather forecast) in the song Inabakumori - レーダー.


Several words and grammar points here I found when playing 13 sentinels on PS4.

for me, several words in sentences I learned here first than wanikani

for example 頃、彼、普及, etc. But the last one I agree more with its use and translation here compared to WK meaning, 普及 as popularization, as I have seen it several times in sentences.

for WK it is diffusion, a very odd word, like we see in Physics classes stuff as I recall back in school. :laughing:


When I took the N2 here in Japan last July 普及 was actually the focus of one of the later vocabulary questions!