SRS timing - grammar vs vocab

Does vocab use the same SRS timing as grammar? If not, what does the SRS timing for vocab look like?

I have many Seasoned 2 items and I wanted to see when I would get Seasoned 3 items. If it matters, I do all available reviews every day, many times per day.

This is a grammar item (です). First studied January 16, 100% Accuracy, next review in 8 days, Seasoned 2.

This is a vocab item (私). First studied January 20, 100% Accuracy, next review in 1 month, Seasoned 3.

I’m just surprised that the SRS timing seems to be different between the vocab items and the grammar items. I would love to learn more about that!

The SRS interval should be the same between grammar and vocab. You can see the SRS intervals by hovering the mouse over a specific progress level on the home page (among other places, probably…)
This is for vocab:
This is for grammar:

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Yes, that’s what I thought too, but that’s not what my data shows :wink:

I was gonna ask if you perhaps imported vocabulary from Wanikani and have it start at Seasoned 1, or perhaps manually set it on Seasoned 1 first time you studied it, in which case first study Jan 20th and next review in 1 month seems correct on paper. But that “Times Studied: 9” seems to rule that out… So that is indeed odd, it doesn’t seem to check out at all unless I’m missing something…

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No import, no manual set, but something is off with the SRS timing on vocab.

Another vocab item. First studied Feb 2 (so 2 weeks after my grammar item and my other vocab item), 60% accuracy, Seasoned 3. With 60% accuracy it should be way lower.


Can you look at some of your Seasoned or higher items? Might be just me!

For me most of my Seasoned vocab is from Wanikani and the stats seem consistent:
First study/review on Jan 19, bumps it up to Seasoned 2 with next review 4 weeks later on ~Feb 19, which then bumps it up to Seasoned 3 with next review 8 weeks later, so in 1(.5) months now.

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