I’m excited to have just joined Bunpro but am not sure how best to use it - is there a starter guide I can follow eg. to have a lesson a day with some spaced repetition? Can I build a streak like in Duolingo? I’ve been learning Japanese for a year or so and plan to take N5 in July. Thanks
You can build a streak just like on Duolingo!
Since you have 7 months till the JLPT you can go with the relaxed tempo, by doing 1 new grammar and 5 vocabs every day.
For N5 I would just recommend:
- Bunpro N5 Grammar Deck
- Bunpro N5 Vocab Deck
You should finish all around July without much effort, and if you feel like it, you can still do more.
Bunpro uses spaced repetition by itself, so you just have to use “Learn” button every day.
I hope it helps,
Thanks, I’ll start with that!
Is there a way to turn off the furigana?
Yeah, If you turn it off, you can still see the furigana on hover. It’s somewhere in the settings good luck!
Settings —> General —> Furigana
Under content display you can turn it either on, off or to link up with your Wanikani account.
(You can also have it so it only shows when you hover over a word)
Yes, I see it now, thank you!
I started like a week ago. You’re gonna love it here. Good luck! Something I recommend: get a fresh notebook and take notes the way you see them when learning vocab/grammar. It’s a great tool to use for studying and flipping through when you get stuck during the quizzes at the end of the “learn” sessions.
Yes, I agree. Keeping a notebook is a great idea.