This thread is for sharing your experience studying Japanese! It’ll be interesting to see what inspired people to learn Japanese, and the method they used to do it!
And so, I’ll start.
After a year or so of slowly memorizing Hiragana/Katakana whenever I felt like it, I decided to purchase a few books to start getting more serious about learning Japanese. I picked up Tae Kim’s “A Guide to Japanese Grammar” along with Genki’s “Kanji Look and Learn” (workbook and textbook). Each week I would try to complete one chapter of the Genki book since learning Kanji seemed to be the longest task when learning Japanese (coming from English only). Each chapter in that book is only about 4 pages, with 16 Kanji to learn, so along with review, one chapter was not too much work for a week.
I would try to understand a bit of the grammar book as well, but since I didn’t know much Kanji yet, I’d spend more time learning the new Kanji in the examples than learning grammar. Bunpro has some really great example sentences that make learning grammar much easier, so people new to the language should be able to start their grammar study soon after memorizing Hiragana and Katakana using Bunpro.
Initially, the reason I wanted to learn Japanese was simply to understand anime without subtitles. Since I had already watched tons of anime at this point, I had some appreciation for the “real” culture as well. Honestly, it has made learning the language much easier as somehow I just “know” some of the readings and translations for new words simply from hearing/seeing them translated on screen for so long.
I really like the quiet and polite culture of Japan. It’s unpopular here to be anti-drug for some reason, so I appreciate that aspect of Japanese culture as well.
Now that I have a WaniKani and Bunpro account, it’s been much easier to remain consistent with my studying since it’s easy to just open a new tab and do a few minutes compared to setting up at my desk. The Spaced Repetition System is really the way to go.
I’d still consider myself a big noob in Japanese, but I’d love to visit Japan for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. By that time I hope to be able to read, write, and speak at a level that I can communicate without much difficulty.