I had a strange realization about Japanese today, and one that applies to any other language really. For the people that truly want to sounds like a native, there are so many cultural references, just like in English that cannot be attained through study, but rather growing up in/sharing certain cultural things with people.
This realization came about due to hearing a few people in the past randomly say 全部ちょうだい!… I always thought to myself ‘why do people say ちょうだい’, I always thought it was a pretty odd way of saying please outside of female speech. Well fast forward to today, I was watching Harry Potter in Japanese with my partner, and when Harry and Ron are on the train, Harry says 全部ちょうだい!when Ron cannot afford anything from the food trolley. My partner said it at the same time Harry did, loudly and enthusiastically. It suddenly all made sense, the people I had heard saying this were repeating a cultural reference from a movie in the same way English people do all the time.
I wonder how many other similar cultural references like that are hard to learn, unless you come across the original content like I stumbled upon today. Has anyone else had the same thing happen with a similar phrase that turned out to be from a famous TV show/movie/etc?