Learning Japanese is a daunting task, especially when you are self-taught; that’s why starting today, Bunpro is launching a Study Buddy System!
The Goal
The goal of this initiative is to have people of all skill-levels be able to not only work together, but more importantly support each other throughout their language-learning journey.
How to Join
While we have some big plans in store for this feature in the future, we want to start it simple for the time being.
- At the bottom of this post you will see a list of 7 questions.
- Copy and paste them below when you make your post.
- Anyone who has a post in this thread is deemed as ‘available’, and there are no limits to how many partners you can have.
- If you have a partner and don’t want any more, please edit the top of your post saying that.
How it Works
When you find a user that matches your own interests, you can reach out to them in a private message asking if they would like to become study buddies. You are free to have as many or little partners as you wish, just be mindful not to find yourself spread too thin.
When a match is made, you can use any off-site communications you wish (Discord, etc.) or you’re free to purely keep it on-site.
Becoming partners with people of various skill levels is welcomed as well! If you have been studying for a while and want to help out beginners, that would really go a long way. A slight word of caution - while that is great, the beginner who is asking questions is also encouraged to ask questions in the relevant grammar discussion thread.
Like mentioned previously, there are big plans for this in the future that we will reveal at a later date. Until then, users are encouraged to do a multitude of things together, including the following:
- Study grammar points and compare notes
- Watch anime
- Read Manga
- Participate in community threads like Grammar In The Wild
- Go through textbooks
- Provide accountability and be held accountable yourself
- Most importantly, just be there for each other to give support and encouragement!
This will be a work in progress as it first starts up, if there’s anything you’d like to see added or changed please feel free to reach out!
What is your Bunpro level?
- 0 - 10
- 10 - 20
- 20 - 40
- 40 - 60
- 60+
If you’ve taken real/practice JLPT tests, what’s a good estimate for your level?
- N5
- N4
- N3
- N2
- N1
Do you enjoy watching Japanese media? If so, what type?
- Yes
- No
- Type: Anime, Drama, Movies, Sports etc
Do you enjoy reading Japanese media? If so, what type?
- Yes
- No
- Type: Manga, News, Novels etc
Would you only like to match with users of your same skill-level?
- Yes
- No
If you are a user of WaniKani, what level are you currently at?
- 0 - 10
- 10 - 20
- 20 - 30
- 30 - 40
- 40 - 50
- 50 - 60
What are you truly looking for in a partner?
- Someone to primarily study with
- Someone to primarily watch Japanese content with
- Someone to take practice tests with
- Someone to primarily cheer and encourage them
- All of the above
Your time zone and availability (morning, afternoon, evening)
- Example: JST AM