Subscription question

Hey Bunpro friends, I’ve just popped over from Wanikani and wanted to know whether Bunpro takes the cost of a monthly or yearly subscription that a user has already paid off the cost of a lifetime membership?

I think I want to subscribe once I’ve finished with the free trial, but I’m just trying to figure out what’s the best choice for me!

(Apologies if this has been asked before - I’ve done a quick read of the FAQs and a search of the forums but couldn’t find the answer to my question.)


Yeah, as far as I can remember, when I bought lifetime it was prorated for the amount that I didn’t use in my Yearly Subscription.


It pro-rates what you haven’t used in your current monthly/yearly subscription, but if you’ve already used up the time, then no. So if you subscribe for a month and decide halfway through to get lifetime. Half of the monthly payment you did will be pro-rated to the lifetime (aka reduce the lifetime). If you decide at the end of that month when your monthly subscription is up, then you will pay full price for lifetime.


@lopicake @MissDagger

Great, thanks for answering my question!