I’d like to get some feedback on this from people that have a fair few ghosts. Personally, I think ghosts would be far more effective if the grammar point itself was ‘ghosted’ as opposed to the sentence.
Unfortunately I am finding all too often (90% of the time) that I get ghosts right because my brain memorizes the sentence… Not the grammar point. I mean that I read the first few words of a sentence and know what the grammar point is simply because I have seen that sentence a few times subsequently, not because I am ‘understanding the grammar point’ like I should be.
Wouldn’t it be more effective if the ghost pulled a random sentence from the problem grammar points catalogue of sentences? Forcing the user to work to remember the grammar point, rather than the brain memorizing the one sentence.
I have found a few times that I have eliminated ghosts only to create a new ghost a day later in the same grammar point because all I learned was a sentence, not grammar. You may say ‘well dont eliminate the ghost until you know it then’, but that isnt possible, once you have memorized the sentence, you cant learn anything from it because your subconcious will instantly tell you the answer everytime you see it without requiring you to think about it.
What do you guys think?
(if this is already an option and I have missed it… Oops)