Suggestion that could improve the efficiency of Bunpro


So I’ve noticed that with certain grammar points, e.g. causative / passive causative, Bunpro only tests you on the conjugation of the verbs as opposed to the use of particles.

For example,

私は 友達に 宿題を手伝わされました

友達は私に 宿題を手伝わせました

Although these two sentences are similar, they have two different meanings. Yes, the difference can be understood by the change in verb conjugation. However, the following sentences have a completely different meaning based on the small change in particles.

友達は私に 宿題を手伝わされました

私は友達に 宿題を手伝わせました

Does anyone else feel that they would benefit from being tested on particle use also?


I think bunpro does it well with this kind of thing where they highlight something in the sentence that’s important to the grammar point. Not always but usually.
In this case I’d expect the に to be highlighted.

I think a standalone feature that tests you on particles would be an excellent addition to a site like bunpro but I think it would difficult to implement and comes behind things like finishing the N1 course.

but something that teaches you how に affects passive verbs or understanding why で doesnt fit in 雨の中で走っている would be incredibly useful to beginners who for obvious reasons are far more numerous than people doing N1 so who knows.


I think these type of exercises are much like JLPT star :star: questions where you have to rearrange the order and know how to place your particles correctly.

I’ve considered BP’s approach of training a user towards productive usage translation and JLPT training for test competency to be separate in both methods and goals. If they developed a JLPT drill course, I would certainly use it and would definitely evolve the site even further.

BTW, if you want copy sentence without furigana inserting itself on the copy, there is the copy Japanese script here:

Copy Sentences by @Kumi: Allows you to click Japanese sentences and their translations to copy them into your clipboard.


Ahhh thanks! I was wondering why it had repeated haha.