Tab Changes?

Anyone else notice the tabs changed on the homepage? I’m really hoping it’s a glitch or a temporary change…

I exclusively studied through the “lessons” tab listed under content and it’s just… gone. Going through the grammar list is an added headache and it doesn’t look nearly as nice…


Same for me. I have saved the link for the lessons and now it is gone. I don’t know if because I have been used to it, but the old layout looked better organized. And it was satisfying to see a group lessons completed with the little ‘bun’ mark.


Yes, also hoping this is a temporary glitch, otherwise it is a terrible change.

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Does that not still happen when you enter the deck? EDIT seems it doesn’t do this for grammar decks at least on mobile web🤔

Can I ask why you don’t use the learn button or look through your selected deck? Unless you don’t have one

I don’t think I’ve used that lessons tab at all since the decks or even since before that so I’m just curious

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I don’t use the learn feature at all! Actually, I can’t stand it. I add everything manually. I don’t like being forced to follow a specific order & it’s more fun for me to “select” which grammar/vocab I want to study each day. The lesson tab was the best for this & the layout was great for skimming & deciding which to choose.


Ohhh yeah I can totally understand that

I don’t remember the layout honestly but hopefully it either comes back or is adapted back into the site somehow. I can see that being useful

You know what, it is not really the mark but the fact that you cannot easily overview the lessons. For example, now if you want to go to the group lesson 10, you have to click 9 times to reach that menu and scroll with your mouse. Before, with all the group lessons in a horizontal row, with one click you could reach the «group 10», and you could overview all the grammar points without scrolling. I am not sure it is really an upgrade.


Man you right. I do remember that. And yeah it was nice to have for sure

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I REALLY hope it comes back soon, it’s how ive been learning all the time, browsiing the tabs and picking what I want to do, not dealing with some decks or having to scroll endlessly.


Thanks guys. I was worried I would be on my own with this one.

Hopefully a dev/admin sees this thread & gives some kind of response!


I’m also hoping it comes back. The new UI is more frustrating to use with more clicks to navigate around the grammar points.


It’s clear it was made for mobile in mind. But I wont ever use bunpro on mobile cos I dont want to type on my phone. And on desktop UIs like that are miserable. Sadly it happened to a lot of apps and websites

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For me, I don’t remember what the Learn tab did at all back in the day, but I do know that I supposedly found it useless enough to block the element in uBlock Origin and now that I’ve unblocked it to see if past me was just short-sighted, I can’t even remember off the top of my head how to set the current lesson.

Okay, yep, I have accidentally added all of a lesson’s grammar points into my review queue by accident.
I don’t remember how to use this at all lol

Okay, uhh, apparently whatever button I’m looking for has been removed or I’m misremembering, because I’ve tried seemingly everything and the only lesson-specific buttons are to add all to reviews, master all, or remove all from reviews. I don’t see any for adding a specific lesson to the learn queue and no more. I swear that was a thing though…

Just “@” someone in Bunpro’s staff if you want their eyes on this issue. @veritas_nz. There, now some notice / response should be guaranteed.


If that’s all you you’re looking for go into grammar point info and just add it to reviews after reading through it. Orr if you want a custom learn queue add a bunch of whatever you want to a custom deck and it’ll save it as a list for you to learn from later

So this is supposed to be an intentional change? Why? :expressionless:
I’ve thought that it’s a bug :confused:


Besides the impractical UX design choice (more clicks, more scrolling, and overviewing the group lessons is harder), I have noticed a bug: when I click on the deck from the interface, for example, “Grammar JLPT N2,” it opens the deck 4 times. Am I the only one experiencing this?


I have experienced this too but it’s probably better placed in bug thread

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you are right

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Why would they take a nicely organized menu of grammar categorized into N5-N1 with 10 easily navigable subsections for each, and turn it into a page where you just have to scroll and scroll.

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