17890 (community total) + 42 (my reviews) = 17932
17932(community total) + 22(my reviews) = 17954
17954 (community total) + 26 (my reviews) = 17980
17980 (community total) + 41 (my reviews) = 18021
18021 (community total) + 7 (my reviews) = 18028
18028 + 35 = 18063
18063 + 26 = 18089
18089 (community total) + 24 (my reviews) = 18113
18113 (community total) + 104 (my reviews) = 19117
19_117 communtity total + 40 of my reviews = 19_157
19,157 + 11 = 19,168!
Small correction for the previous three: 18113 (community total) + 104 (vuekawa) + 40 (jamesrender) + 11 (PastaBakeWizard) = 18268
18268 (community total) + 18 (my reviews) = 18286
18286 (community total) + 14 (my reviews) = 18300
Had flu last week
18300 (community total) + 17 (my reviews) = 18317
18317 (community total) + 20 (my reviews) = 18337
Hope you’re all better now, but if not, get well soon!
18337 (community total) + 15 (my reviews) = 18352
18352 (community total) + 30 (my reviews) = 18382
18382 (community total) + 12 (my reviews) = 18394
18394 (community total) + 23 (my reviews) = 18417
18417 (community total) + 19 (my reviews) = 18436