The Study Log of a sloth

Grate results!
Maybe try adding only words that you’ve seen at least 3-4 times? This way remembering might be much easier then adding words that seems like useful, if they are you’ll encounter them a few times and will add then.

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Thats a good idea. I’m only unsure how to execute it.
Since I add so many words each time its kinda hard to remember how often I saw each single one of them.
But maybe I should only add them to anki when I feel like I already “know” them? (then I probably saw them often enough)

Heh I wish I could finish all of my daily jpdb (kanji+vocab) in 30 minutes. I also want to add every word I see, and that regularly leads to completely unmanageable volumes.

One helpful feature of jpdb decks is that it lists how many times a word is used in the text the deck was created from. So I tend to skip words that are brand new for me + either are only used once in the book, or use a rare kanji. If I wanted to lower the volume more, I’d start skipping words outside of top ~20k frequency.

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Maybe add it when you think “oh, I’ve seen this this one, but how do I read it and what exactly does it means”. I mean when you can distinguish it from completely unknown :thinking:

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I decide based on how common the word seems like it will be in conversational (since my Japanese goal is talking to my friends) or in books I would read (which is not the same, lol, since I read a lot of fantasy). I realised that when I tried what you also tried, I ended up with too many words to keep up with. So, I’ve had to use more discretion, especially while I still have a backlog. I will say, though, I have never used a vocab deck, so my immersion words are not competing with anything else.
I wrote a script that automatically imports the words into the software I use, and my cards are a lot more intense than other people’s which means I can’t learn as many words as quickly, but I get things like audio-only card fronts, which has drastically improved my listening. It imports the next morning, so I’m always learning words I saw yesterday, which has been useful for me to remember the context. I’m actually tempted to add them all instantly, but I think that might be too much…I haven’t decided yet.

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I have two decks in anki:

  1. My main deck - all cards I at least reviewed once and wanna keep in the loop

  2. All cards I wanna learn in the feature. So partly the anki deck I started with and most of the mined vocabs I found until now. (5084 cards… I would go crazy too when I would try to learn all of them at once lol)

I wanna keep anki below 30 Min because I feel I can spent my time better than only doing anki. (those 30min are my break at work)

So you don’t use anki to learn? (since you called it software)

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No, but I use a different SRS system, it’s just not Anki. I tried to program Anki in the way I wanted, but some of the major things (card faces, and review scheduling per hour) don’t seem to be moddable :pensive: . So I switched. It’s still an SRS system though.