The Study Log of All Time

Update time!

  • I changed my reviews to the 2/4 hint level (from 3/4) and it’s going pretty well, not sure how things will pan out when I decide to start N2 though.

  • I’m at the end of week 1 of the 日本語総まとめ N3 Vocab book, I’ve learned lots of useful things so far and flicking through, there will be some good stuff in later pages.

  • I’ve been watching a Japanese show on Netflix called カルテット and while I’ve definitely noticed my listening has improved, it’s not yet totally there.

  • I’m going to test the Migii JLPT app out this week.

  • I finally have a new laptop so I can restart online lessons again!


I’m not en expert, but learning your 400 in 1 week will be fun, try it :kissing:

Do you mean the vocabulary? Thankfully there are many words I already know so some pages have been pretty nice - day 4 I only learned 12 new words for example.

400 in one week would probably melt my brain

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I have no idea where the word “kanji” gone, but k meant 400 kanji :neutral_face:

Ahaha ok 400 kanji in 1 week, no thanks! My speed is perfectly fine for me.


I’m currently reviewing how my vocabulary study has been going and while I’ve learned many great words, lots just aren’t going in properly and my ability to review/cram them is also not really viable as it’s relying solely on bunpro reviews. Using cram on vocabulary isn’t really possible yet as you have to scroll through the long lists to find each word.

Instead, I will now start using Migaku where I can have one deck based on the 日本語総まとめN3 vocab book and one deck that will be built from mining words from the shows I watch on Netflix.

This goes alongside my physical notebook I’m using. I will report back in a future update how this change goes :+1: