The Study Log of All Time

Hello everyone, I spend enough time lurking other’s study logs I think I’ll finally make my own! I have so much free time as it’s the holidays once more for my students. :wave:

Why I’m studying
I live in Japan, understanding the language will improve all aspects of my life, from work, to hobbies, to my relationships. Currently my main aim is to pass the N3 in December this year - or at least have a very good go at it!

As of writing this, I’m at 172 of 219 N3 grammar points. Mondays to Fridays I learn 4 new points a day, taking a break on the weekends - usually only doing some reviews on Sundays. When I do this I typically write out the point, its explanation and 3 example sentences, often using my own sentence into my notebook.

In 2 weeks I’ll have finished all the N3 points, where I’ll then turn my focus to cementing the weaker points through Bunpro cram and writing out more example sentences.

Much like many others learning Japanese, my vocabulary is starting to set me back now I’ve reached the intermediate level and have the huge increase in required vocab. I will be buying an N3 JLPT vocab book to see the kinds of words I need to know. I have 4 months until the exam so I plan to use that book along Bunpro vocab decks to fill in gaps. (I also have Migaku for vocab too but need some more time to set that up).

My main kanji study I do is through Wanikani - I’m just shy of level 19 so not high at all. As WKStats shows, level 30 is where you should be for a good basis of N3 level kanji. I like WK but as others before have stated, it’s not always the quickest method of learning kanji. If I’m to reach level 30 standard it will be, at at roughly 35 kanji per WK level, around 400 more I need to learn by December. 25 a week, 100 a month is kind of daunting maybe?

One of my weakest skills unfortunately. I’m finally trying out how listening to podcasts will do for improving this. I’m into cooking so currently my go to is one called: 週末の酒がうまい、Brutusの聞くレシピ. I still have to replay some parts multiple times but I’ve since learned many cooking terms and ingredients, combined with making food with my girlfriend every weekend and her barking orders at me in Japanese to test me.

I finished よつばと and now have started ドラクエ・ダイの大冒険 with ブルーロック and ワンピース ready in reserve. Any unknown vocabulary I come across is added into my Bunpro vocab or added to my phone list. I will also begin to make recordings of myself reading to send to my girlfriend for her to check.


  • Finish N3 Grammar.
  • Pass N3 or gain good experience to pass the next time.
  • Improve listening ability with podcasts, Migaku and using Bunpro audio more.
  • Improve kanji to level 30 WK standard.
  • Actually finish reading a book outside of Bunpro book club before my ADHD brain gets interested in a new book.
  • Start trying to talk more in the 職員室 and not be so much of a perfectionist with every sentence I try and say.

That’s all for now! Thank you for reading and I’m open to any feedback/criticism! 頑張りましょう! :muscle:


I relate to this a lot. It took me way too long to start regularly engaging in conversation in the office. Now I’ve started they can’t shut me up so I bet they regret encouraging me :smiling_imp:

I’ve actually made some good friends at work which never would have happened if I didn’t get over myself and start chatting. It is a bit scary at first and some days you’ll be too tired or distracted but if you push a little each day you’ll improve. I was lucky in that the school I work at knew (or could clearly see) that I am studying fairly seriously so they moved me to one of the departments and I sit in the middle of a few different people so have regular chances to chat. If you’ve been shoved in a corner or something, as I hear happens to many ALTs, then try and see if you can move closer to more people.

An easy conversation starter (and good way to pick up vocab) is to just ask someone what something is called. I also found fairly early on that it’s easier to be funny than clever so if you’re able to then don’t be afraid to crack a joke. Lots of people probably would like to speak to you but are scared to start a conversation - they’re probably more scared of being embarrassed about their English level than you are about your Japanese level.

Learning to speak is really hard and quite ego shattering so you gotta just take the plunge. Good luck with the studies and I’m looking forward to reading your log!


A new Log to read :heart: Looking foward to it!

I personally loved learning Kanji with Renshuu. You can make a deck with only kanji in it (and when you think N5/N4 is to easy you can start right with N3.)
The Best: You can see the mnemonics of other users and some are quite helpfull in remembering them.

And it’s mostly free (I think only audio or sentence questions for vocab/grammar is not.)


I tried renshuu a little while ago, it’s nice and there’s lots of little games like the crosswords I had fun doing. I stopped because it just felt a little fiddly to set up what I wanted to study. I could test how a little kanji studying there will feel.

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Renshuu recently added a feature where you can take a list of words (for example their n4 word list) and create a kanji study list based off of those words. It seems good for learning the words+kanji. The issue with it is that sometimes they will use crowd sourced sentences, and if you’ve been around for a while, you’ll start seeing some WILD uses of words that I’m at least 95% sure are not used correctly.

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I’m excited to see another study log. I’m about the same level grammar and vocabulary wise based on your Wanikani level. But with listening you’re a lot better than me, I’ve been focusing on reading so besides basic words I can’t understand speech which is too bad. But I’m already going at a quick pace so can’t afford to load up my schedule more rn. I’m also going the Wanikani route for kanji and I agree that it’s pretty slow. Especially since I already can recognize about 1k kanji I didn’t want to waste money being forced to go through them slowly. I’m using an Anki deck with the information from Wanikani instead (Wanikani lists the information for free on the site so it’s not illegal I’m pretty sure) so that I can have more freedom in when and what I want to learn and save money since I don’t have a job. I already Yotsubato and it’s pretty easy, but I stopped a few volumes in since it wasn’t very exciting. It’s cute though so I plan to continue reading it in the future. For now I usually use Syosetsu if you’ve heard of it, and also social media sites. It’s helpful since I can search up words easily.

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Haha you’d be surprised, I feel like I’m a deer in the headlights as soon as someone speaks just a little quickly. I’d recommend finding a podcast on a topic you like and working your way through it like I am. They’re making a sardine and olive pizza on my podcast episode and I get to enjoy improving my listening and also learning tasty cooking vocabulary <3

I’ve not heard of it, is it similar to Satori Reader? For once I’ve found physical books good as I’m not so tempted to distract myself on another app…

So today’s studying:

  • Studied 4 more N3 points, did reviews.
  • Leveled up to 19 on WK, did 10 of the new kanji as I knew a few already. Did reviews.
  • Listened to an episode of the podcast through, will re-listen and take notes.
  • Read 30 pages of Dragon Quest - I’m looking up quite a few fantasy words but overall I can understand a lot!
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When you wanna use it only for Kanji it’s pretty simple.

Just in case you want to (otherwise skip):
You open a new schedule (it’s need to be a kanji-schedule) and klick on add materials.
Now you search for example for n3 and then there is a official renshuu one you can add. N3 is broken into 19 parts so you can study it slower.
That’s it :wink:

But for vocabs/grammar I agree. There are better options :blush:

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Today has been so rough :dizzy_face:

  • Finished Bunpro reviews and got to 180 of 219 N3
  • Done WK reviews that had built up over the weekend
  • Got the green light to be anti-social in the staff room to listen to the podcast
  • Nearly fallen asleep numerous times from sheer boredom sitting at the desk all day

looking forward to be reading your updates, too! :relaxed:

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I love that! Listening is my weakest skill, too, and I always like to try out any podcast or audiobook someone recommends. Since I also enjoy cooking, I want to listen to them, now :blush:

  • Both yesterday and today I’ve done my 4 new lessons, now at 188/219 (85% complete!)
  • I’ve been using cram a lot as there’s some new grammar that for some reason won’t stay in.
  • Greatly picked up in speed of my kanji studying, I should be level 20 soon.
  • Read to page 60 (第2話) of Dragon Quest

I’ve had 2 bad nights of sleep and my brain feels too much like mush to try more podcast listening on top of what I’ve done, maybe that’s a cop out hehe…


This is an interesting study log. You’re obviously really motivated! And I like the line about being “anti-social” in the break room to listen to podcasts :wink:

I’m curious, how’s Dragon Quest? You mentioned there’s lots of fantasy vocab. Are you also finding it useful for reading comprehension?? I mostly use Satori Reader and NHK Web News Easy for reading. Always looking for new material though.


Thanks! There’s very little to do over summer so I’m more than happy to fill the time productively and study!

Dragon Quest is great so far, it’s level 23 on learnnatively but I’ve not had many issues at all - I don’t read nearly as much as I should do so I believe anything is useful to me right now, can’t be bad for my comprehension. I grew up playing the games so it’s got that nostalgia factor for me too.

NHK Easy News definitely has its place, but I can recommend things like Dragon Quest too. I guess reading the news or a slice of life manga has more real life Japanese usage benefits but being able to read about what the Demon King is up to is great too! :+1:


That’s great! And I’m the same way. Studying Japanese is one of my go-to’s when I have some downtime. It’s fun (usually!) and scratches the productivity itch.

And hahaha! Well said about the pro’s of a varied reading list.

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Haven’t updated recently due to going to an English summer camp, it was lots of fun but I was toooooo exhausted to study when I got home.

  • 201/219 N3 grammar studied
  • 1 kanji away from reaching level 20 on WK :dizzy_face:
  • Had a haircut, was able to have a conversation about random things for an hour, some recent N3 points featured!

I’ve felt good with my Japanese today, it’s been pain free today <3

  • 205/219 N3 - plus some grammar finally starting to click
  • Big cram session for N3 lessons 7, 8 and 9
  • Level 20 on WK and 20 new vocab learned
  • Around 20 or so pages more of Dragon Quest read, might read more today though

I’m considering studying a little on the weekend as I will be staying at a Ryokan next week! 楽しみにしてる!


Wow wow, it’s been longer than I thought, 久しぶり everyone! I had an amazing time in Atami staying at a hotel with beautiful views of the ocean from the comfort of a private onsen :heart_eyes:

Snapping back to 勉強 reality…

  • 219/219 of N3 studied! I will start N2 some day soon.
  • Big progress on WK with the big backlog of vocab. Still level 20.
  • From tomorrow, it seems to be the signup date for the JLPT in Japan - I’ll be going for N3!

Now schools are about to restart in Japan, I will turn this into a once a week style log like many others here. I will go through what I have studied in the past week and perhaps a couple points on what I’d like to be doing in the coming weeks.

This week plus near future goals:

  • Heavy focus on vocabulary - I used to scan the N4/N3 vocab lists on BP for words I didn’t know, but I would just write the word down without an example sentence. Now instead, I bought the 日本語総まとめ N3 語彙 textbook. I’ll study 20-40 words a day but they’re in a far better context. It will take 6 weeks in total to complete. Today is day one! Kitchen and Living room vocab. All vocab I study in the book, I’ll add to my BP reviews.

  • Another area of heavy focus is listening, I’ve bought the N3 新完全マスター textbook. I’m considering buying the N4 version too just to be sure. This will go alongside my podcast practice.

  • For grammar, I’ll continue to do crams for problem points and then do full chapter crams. The goal here will be to decrease the hint level and write my own original example sentences. Eventually I’ll feel happy enough to delve into N2. 怖い、、、