I’m really, really struggling with the N3 vocab deck. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that around this point the synonyms and distinguishing their nuances becomes pretty difficult, but it seems like I’ve been struggling with the same words for the last 6 months.
I pretty much brute-forced my way through N5/N4 vocab, just failing over and over until it finally stuck, but that isn’t working now that vocabulary requires a little more…finesse. If I’m reading a book, I’m generally ok. Recognition isn’t a problem. I have quite a bit of N2/N1 vocab knowledge.
But when when speaking or filling in reviews, deciding something like what word for “life” to use is brutal. Is it 一生、命、生活、生命、暮らし、or 人生?
I know there are a lot of people past this stage in their learning. How did you do it? Do you have any tips for getting through some of these words? After 6 months of struggling with the same vocab, I’m ready to try something, anything else!