Vocab being tested: 離れる
離れる (JLPT N4) | Bunpro
N4 Sentence: 将来は都心から少し離れたところに一軒家を建てようと思っている。
Vocab that isn’t N4:
- 都心 - In Bunpro’s N3 deck
- 一軒家 - In Bunpro’s N1 deck
Why are the N4 sentences containing so many higher level vocabs?
Shouldn’t it stick to N4 level vocabs?
It is very annoying - I know what the vocab word means when reviewing, but I can’t understand the sentence because of these extra words.
Since the other non-tested words in the sentence are too hard, I will never be able to read it at N4, and might as well just use translate mode. See the word, test myself on the reading, meaning and transitivity.