Too many reviews? Getting out of hand


I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong but my review count is becoming insanely high.
I’m currently studying for the N3 test this summer.
I set Bunpro up so that I have to learn
5 N3 grammar points,
5 N4 grammar (as a refresher)
and 30 words everyday.
That’s 40 new things I have to learn each day, which is not that difficult at all.
My problem is that I’ve only been doing this for a couple weeks and my review count is already ridiculous. Like right now I have 285 things to review, and that’s just since yesterday.
At this pace, it looks like my daily review count will be in the thousands by the time I get through all of the N3 material, and that is just not doable when I only have 2-3 hours to study each day, tops. It takes about 2 hours just to get through the 250+ ‘reviews’ each day.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there an option I’m missing?
I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but I haven’t figured out how to fix it, I don’t even know if it’s intentional or not. Am I actually supposed to review hundreds of things each day?


Unless you use reading mode for grammar 5 points is huge. It was taking 3 hours a day when I was doing n4 in 5 points a day peace (with no vocab). I did 120-140 reviews per day. Of course my vocab was very little because it was a speedrun through.

30 words is huge as well unless you know all the kanji readings for them. I even with all the kanji on n3 level it would take at least 1.5h to maintain this pace. I was doing 2 hours of review in Anki wen Troyes doing 25 cards a day (but I was taking only words with unkown kanji at that time), and gave up in 2 weeks because of reviews.

So I would like to assume that it’s just a huge amount of info, and it needs a bit more time then you though :thinking:


Didn’t see that

Uh yeah 30 words a day is a lot. Especially if you’re failing any of the reviews for them and if ghost reviews are turned on. Just lower the amount you’re choosing to learn until your reviews end up around the amount you want, then keep that pace.


I’m honestly impressed that your review count is only like 300 a day while putting 40 items in there. I guess you’re retention is really high or maybe those numbers are still growing.

If you are on a set schedule with the N3 test looming on the horizon there is probably not much you can do. If you need to cram 40 items a day, you need to cram them, right?

If you don’t study multiple times a day yet, I highly encourage you to do so. The first few levels for each grammar point and vocab will come back into reviwes after a few hours. If you do them immediately not only will your retention become better, they will go up faster and wont increase your review count as much.

If you realize while learning you already know a word somewhat, feel free to set the srs level manually. This can also lower your daily reviews.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


You can estimate number of future reviews by multiplying daily lessons with number of timed stages plus number of stages shorter than a day, add some failure coefficient (1.2-1.5). There are 11 timed stages on Bunpro, add 2 for first day reviews, which adds up to 13.

So at 40 lessons per day, you are looking at around 500-800 reviews every day in the future.

Don’t underestimate SRS workload, it piles up quickly. You can work out best number of lessons backwards. Lets say you want to do 200 reviews per day, so 200 / (1.5 * 13) = about 10 lessons per day.


Doing lots of smaller review windows throughout the day helps a lot in my experience! I’m in a similar situation where I’m both learning new words and grammar points but also adding ones I know already, so I’m going through a lot of reviews :sob:


The struggle of feeding known stuff into the SRS is real :sob: I dumped the entire N5 vocab into my queue a few weeks ago and even though I set the SRS to start at adept instead of beginner, I’m still just cleaning up my reviews.

I knew and accepted that it will take time until I can add new stuff to learn, but that’s not really possible when you are on a strict schedule.

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